Learn about Amendment G

Christ at the South Dakota State Capitol 

Over 500 rosary crusaders, 6 priests, 20 altar servers, and 10 Fourth Degree Knights from the state Honor Guard attended the Rosary Crusade and Eucharistic Procession at the Capitol on Sunday, August 18th hosted by The Jericho Wall. Our Blessed Lord was processed around the capitol, making three stops for silent adoration and the rosary along the way. The rosary specifically prayed for every county in South Dakota and all the souls in each county. Following the Blessed Sacrament, the faithful carried a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas and the Unborn. With the impending evil of Amendment G at our doorsteps, the Crusade sought to make reparation for the past sins of abortion in our state by adoring Christ in the Eucharist while also offering thanksgiving for his many blessings upon us.

As St. John Vianney asserts, 

How pleasing to Him is the short quarter of an hour that we steal from our occupations, from something of no use, to come and pray to Him, to visit Him, to console Him for all the outrages He receives!”

The sacrifice so many made to attend to make reparation for the sins of abortion, to adore Our Lord, and to offer thanksgiving for His gift of life to us all will not go unnoticed by Him.

Following the procession, the crowd entered the capitol building to listen to Jon Hansen of Life Defense Fund and Pat Castle of LIFE Runners speak on the details of Amendment G and the importance of living our pro-life values, respectively. Their message was simple yet profound: What are you doing to defeat Amendment G? We do not want to wake up on November 6th wishing that we had done more to keep this pro-abortion legislation out of our state. Now is the time to act! We encourage you to act against this deadly amendment. There are so many options for you. Here are a few to get you started:

Join the daily rosary team at www.jerichowall.org

Contact Life Defense Fund to volunteer your time, talent, and treasure: www.lifedefensefund.com

Know the details of the amendment and share with others at jerichowall.org/amendmentg/


If not now then when? If not you then who?

A group of people at a rally in front of the Capitol building of South Dakota
A group of people at a rally in front of the Capitol building of South Dakota

One Response

  1. Great article! I really appreciate the clear and detailed insights you’ve provided on this topic. It’s always refreshing to read content that breaks things down so well, making it easy for readers to grasp even complex ideas. I also found the practical tips you’ve shared to be very helpful. Looking forward to more informative posts like this! Keep up the good work!

The Jericho Wall